Paris · Jean-Baptiste Senegas, Le Petit Endroit
30.10.12 → 30.11.12
Jean-Luc Monterosso, director of the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, invites him, as part of the Month of Photography 2012, to exhibit in Paris at the Hotel Lutetia and at the Petit Place-14, rue Portefoin Paris 75003 where he will present L’homme et l’animal, an exhibition mixing man and beast and questioning the link that unites them.
“Some see in the beast an inferior creature, subject to our power. Others make the same beast a full member of our community, thinking it lacks only the word. The common thread in this exhibition is the love that humans weave with animals and nature. One person protecting, the other killing, yet in each picture I try to feel what binds these people together. A deep love for the animal. A love that one can easily find for pets, but that one can also perceive in a different way in the hunting pictures. Still lifes allow us to realize the fragility of nature. The person who killed the animal had the possibility to let it live. I hope that my images show this fragility and the expression of the immutable feeling of death. The stagings allow a vision that hesitates between resignation, anger, beauty and fascination. A way of asking ourselves questions about the way we consider our environment. » Jean-Baptiste Senegas
Photo credits
© Jean-Baptiste Senegas
Le Petit Endroit 14 rue Porefoin 75003 Paris
Sylvie Grumbach +33 1 42 33 93 18
Communiqué de presse (pdf, in French only)