37.2 - Gallery/Edition
Photographing flowers might seem banal at first glance. However, the singular photographic writing of Inès Dieleman delivers a completely different message. Elusive cracks, a vulnerable fragility and yet, the expectation of what will still happen. Each image of Inès Dieleman speaks to us of the astonishing magic of life and the power of freedom.
PAVOT – Exhibition March 10 to 31 Galerie éphémère 37.2 Place Beauvau 92 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris
PAVOT – Book March 9 Sell on the 37.2 website or at the Gallery
Hugo Howlett 37.2@2e-bureau.com +33 1 42 33 93 18
Communiqué de presse (pdf, French only)