Paris · WSN Developpement
23.06.22 → 25.06.22
DRP is the new experience dedicated to drop culture for Gen Z and millenials from June 23 to 25, 2022 at the Grand Palais Éphémère. Between festival and giant concept store, DRP is the place to gather communities of fashion, sneakers, gaming, sports, music, food and metavers enthusiasts.
ON THE PROGRAM OF THE 3 DAYS Streetwear, vintage and eco-friendly trends Sneakerness Exclusives Food Court Elisa Parron exhibitions Basketball competitions and initiation by Trajectoire Studio Skateboarding competitions and initiation Music by Hotel Radio Paris Gaming experiences Web 3 discovery and immersion, metavers, NFTs
MAIN PARTNERS Sneakerness DICE Hotel Radio Paris Trajectory Studio
Translated with (free version)
DRP Grand Palais Ephémère à Paris.
Hugo Howlett +33 1 42 33 93 18
Communiqué de presse (pdf, French only)