11th Litterary Festival “Par Monts et Par Mots”

Saint-Jans-Cappel ·

04.06.09 → 07.06.09

On the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the creation of Petit Nicolas, the 11th festival celebrates childhood from here and elsewhere, from yesterday and today. From nostalgia for childhood to its pains and questions, from happy and protected childhood to wounded and sometimes oppressed childhood, from the child’s imagination to the Rights of the child… this theme offers a wide range of activities and encounters for all audiences through numerous shows, meetings, conferences, literary cafés, readings, stories, workshops…

Notably on the programme: Macha Méril, a romantic reader of the childhood stories of the great Colette. Robin Renucci brings back to life the emotions of “Little Marcel” from Proust’s A la Recherche du Temps Perdu. Fred Personne, in his reading-spectacle, Mes vrais racontars, based on his childhood memories. Raphaële Moussafir in her humorous show, Et pendant ce temps-là, les araignées tricotent des pulls autour de nos bilboquets, created at the Festival d’Avignon 2008. Mao et moi, a drawn reading by the Chinese painter, author and illustrator Chen Jiang Hong. Stella, the already cult film by Sylvie Verheyde. Enfant’images, Florence Levillain’s photo exhibition…

 Artistic Director: Achmy Halley, Villa départementale Marguerite Yourcenar’s Director


Villa Marguerite Yourcenar
2266, route du Parc
59270 Saint-Jans-Cappel



Martial Hobeniche
+33 1 42 33 93 18


Dossier de presse (pdf, in French only)