“Les Filles de la Photo” are professionals of Photography, women of head, heart and action who act to promote photography and its professions by enhancing its ecosystem.
Founded by three photography enthusiasts acting in complementary universes, Marion Hislen – then Delegate for Photography at the Ministry of Culture -, Chantal Nedjib, founder of the agency L’image par l’image, and Florence Moll, photographer agent, The association has quickly federated around its values and projects.
It has been co-chaired since 21 January 2021 by Raphaële Bertho, research professor in the history of photography and Sabrina Ponti, photographer agent and cultural sponsorship consultant.

– Decompartmentalizing the professions of photography to better represent them
– Promote photography to the public, institutions and media
– Initiate meetings to discover talents, professions, projects, places
– Develop the influence of professionals and defend women and men photographers

A solid ecosystem composed of a diversity of professions, profiles and expertise in both the public and private sectors, in the world of commissioning as well as in the artistic field.
The association currently has nearly 250 members representing more than 25 professions: art buyers, gallery owners, photographers’ agents, curators, iconographers, festival directors, creative directors, curators, press associates, journalists, communication directors, sociologists, lecturers, historians, art critics, editors, scenographers, production managers, etc.
All wishing to be «better informed to act better», these women of head, heart and action wish together to animate a laboratory of ideas and play their influence to value and defend photography.
