Festival À voir et à manger (To See and To Eat)

Paris ·

10.03.12 → 19.03.12

Around the senses and culinary DNA.
Crossings, connections and telescopes between art and the culinary arts: shows, installations, performances, dinner experiments and editions around the culinary arts.
With Radhouane El Meddeb, Teatro delle Ariette, Yvan Cadiou, Brigitte de Malau, Alexandre Dubosc, La cellule (Becquemin&Sagot), Marc Brétillot, Jean-Claude Chianale, Charlotte Brocard, Jean Bellorini, Jacques Bonnaffé, the Culinary Book Festival and the Omnivore evenings.
The first edition of the A Voir et à Manger festival invites everyone to discover the taste of others. It is an invitation to meet others through their culinary DNA, to better understand each other and to share together a universe of meaning. Le Goût des Autres offers a source of creative and gustatory inspiration for artists, performers, designers and guest chefs. In their plastic, dreamlike and gustatory interpretations, they will seek to disrupt our visual, sound, taste, olfactory and tactile receptors: all of these are conditions for discovering the taste of others. This first meeting, in two parts, culinary books, shows/performances and culinary exhibitions, is also intended to be an “in-mouth” interpretation of the diversity and multitude of culinary identities present in the CENTQUATRE’s environment.

Artistic conception José-Manuel Gonçalvès
Artistic advisor Lina Tornare


5 rue Curial
75019 Paris



Sylvie Grumbach
Martial Hobeniche
+33 1 42 33 93 18


Dossier de presse (pdf, in French only)