La Tyrannie des Objets

Paris ·

16.10.13 → 04.01.14

Curated by Alexandra Fau, The Tyranny of Objects encourages visitors to take a different look at the objects that surround them, which may reveal an unsuspected strength of character. Appliances that seemed predictably meek and pliable are now hell-bent on foiling our every plan.
Artists and designers find themselves imagining indomitable objects that cast a critical light on our rational, constraining or downright authoritarian production patterns. David Dubois’ scenography underlines this shifting power relation between objects and their owners.
Having become intelligent and endowed with speech, these objects draw from a wide array of fields, such as philosophy, architecture and animation, for a combination of light-hearted fun and serious critique.
Having spent so much time in the presence of humans, objects have developed the ability to mimic us. Now they are truly coming into their own, fomenting a soft rebellion against the dictates of comfort, good taste and functionality.
Pieces from Julie Béna, Berdaguer & Péjus, BLESS, Achille & Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, Florence Doléac, David Dubois, Dunne & Raby, Didier Faustino, Ceal Floyer, Fabrice Hyber, Marti Guixé, Marc Horowitz, Giulio Iacchetti & Chiara Moreschi, Studio Makkink & Bey, Wesley Meuris, Serge Mouille, Bruno Munari, Philippe Ramette, Alexandre Singh, Lucy Skaer, studio Wieki Somers, Noam Toran, Tatiana Trouvé, Paolo Ulian, Haegue Yang.


Photo credits

A Contre-Courant (Hommage à Buster Keaton, utilisation), 2008
Photographie : Marc Domage
Courtesy Galerie Xippas
© Philippe Ramette, ADAGP, Paris 2013

ROFAST, 2011
Photographie : Studio Giulio Iacchetti

ROFAST, 2011
Photographie : Studio Giulio Iacchetti

Bibliothèque Vincastro, Driade 1995.
Paolo Ulian, Courtesy de l’artiste

Photo en Une :
Robot, 2001
Florence Doléac / RADI DESIGNERS à Vallauris
Courtesy Claude Aïello
© ADAGP, Paris 2013


La Galerie des Galeries
Galeries Lafayette
1st étage
40 boulevard Haussmann
75009 Paris

Free Admission
Open Tuesday to Saturday, 11am to 7pm


Marie-Laure Girardon
+33 1 42 33 93 18


Press Kit (pdf)