Paris · Galerie du Passage - Pierre Passebon
15.10.24 → 15.11.24
After Promenons-nous in 2022, Pierre Passebon presents a new exhibition of the artist, A summer at the workshop from Tuesday, October 15 to Friday, November 15, 2024. Specifically designed for «A summer in the workshop», Marie Hugo presents a set of about thirty canvases with ink and pigments.
For this set I painted seeds, flowers and trees. In summer, the park is flooded with sun and offers a show of abstract forms that dance together. The light spots and shadows are then new elements that come to inhabit my ground paintings with flowers and seeds, in the bark of trees.
In close correspondence with the canvases, the artist reveals six small tables of 36 and 44cm high ceramic painted and enamelled. Six small tables of 70cm high, as many small trees enamelled in green are also proposed.
Galerie du Passage – Pierre Passebon 20/26 Galerie Véro-Dodat 75001 Paris
Ouvert du mardi au samedi du 10h30 à 18h30
Sylvie Grumbach Marie-René de La Guillonnière +33 1 42 33 93 18
Dossier de presse (pdf, French only)