on aura tout vu
ILLUSIONS no season 2024
Embark on a fascinating odyssey through the captivating mirages of perception. Immerse yourself in a realm where the tangible and ethereal transform, intertwining reality and fantasy, and challenging our fundamental understandings. “Magic, Fantasy, Hallucination, Trompe-l’œil” – these concepts weave an enchanting ballet, merging masculine and feminine energies, and redefining our perception of space and matter. Each creation is a unique visual experience, a living work of art where the real and the imaginary blend. Explore constantly evolving realities, born from shifting perceptions. In this universe, the mysteries that surround us urge us to question our certainties, to marvel, and to reconsider our view of the world. Dive into this adventure, where each couture piece becomes a journey through the fascinating complexities of reality.
Text: Mike Doe
on aura tout vu 23 rue de Montpensier Palais Royal 75001 Paris
www.onauratoutvu.com #onauratoutvuparis
Nikita Eidenweil oatv@2e-bureau.com +33 1 42 33 93 18